Code of Conduct

Registering for Infurnity means you have read and agreed to abide by all event regulations.
Please read them carefully to avoid any impact on your rights.

For Attendees

  • Infurnity events and function spaces are for the exclusive enjoyment of our members.
  • Please wear your identification convention badge and con-lanyard visible during the entire con at all times.
  • A badge is valid only for the person to whom it was issued and may not be shared under any circumstance. Convention badges must be presented and/or surrendered to any Infurnity staff member upon request.
  • Infunity is not responsible for any lost goods or items, please watch out for your own belongings and keep anything important to yourself.
  • Public spaces open to attendees of our host hotel are rated “PG” at all times. Please do not exhibit, wear and imitate any mature contents or any behavior meant to cross the boundaries.
  • Fursuit lounge is off limit to regular attendees and for fursuiters only, photography is prohibited in the fursuit lounge.
  • Your face may be showing on recording devices such as cameras and video recorders from anyone. Please do yourself a favor and avoid visible lenses if you do not wish to be recorded, or make sure to wear a mask cover.
  • Please treat your fellow attendees in a nice and respectful manner, after all that’s one important element to make this a fun event.
  • Any inappropriate behaviors such as harassment or stealing will not be dealt with lightly. Harassment includes; unwanted physical contact, stalking someone in public or threatening someone. Please alert the staff as soon as possible for any related issue.
  • If you encounter any unauthorized attendee without official conbadge in the convention, please inform the staff as soon as possible. (Not include the photo–taking pass by people.)
  • In case of emergency, please stay calm and follow our staffs’ directions.
  • Any lost and unclaimed articles and items will be put up on the con website after the event. If an item is still left unclaimed after a month then it’s up to the con hosts to decide how to handle it.
  • Any instances of verbal abuse, insults, or threats towards event staff or related organization will be dealt with through legal procedures and may impact your future participation rights in Infurnity.
  • The Infurnity Official will only declare announcement regarding to the convention or any event by the posts or articles from the official website or official social media accounts. Any message sent by unofficial account is considered as personal statement and will not be officially valid.
  • Infurnity reserves the right to refuse or cancel an attendee’s registration for any reason.
  • Infurnity reserves the right to remove anyone who breaks laws and any of the aforementioned rules and regulations.
  • Infurnity reserves the right to determine the appropriate actions for any violation and retains the authority to modify and interpret the rules as deemed necessary.

Health Information

  • Infectious disease or cold symptoms? Please refrain from participating in the con.
  • We recommend wearing a mask in crowded areas to protect your health.
  • When coughing or sneezing, please cover your mouth and avoid facing other attendees.
  • We encourage fursuiters to use the alcohol spray provided in the Fursuit Changing Room and Fursuit Lounge for disinfection.
  • If your or another attendee are at any point showing signs of fever or feeling unwell, please notify convention staff for immediate medical assistance.
  • This policy will abide by epidemic prevention policy issued by the government and hence be updated on a rolling basis. Please stay refer on this page for the newest health policy.

For Clothing/Dressing/Attire

  • We at Infurnity wish to create a comfortable environment for all attendees. We hope that all attendees will be able to help us realize this goal by dressing in a way that doesn’t upset the environment around the con space.
  • During the event, attendees should wear clothing that is appropriate and not overly revealing, and avoid clothing that might arouse controversy or misunderstanding.
  • Should any issues arise involving clothing standards, Infurnity reserves the right to make the final decision.

For Guests staying at hotel room

  • No smoking in the rooms.
  • Alcohol are only allowed in the room.
  • Please remember there are other attendees may need to rest, please keep the voice down and do not disturb them.
  • Attendees without room reservation please do not enter the hotel room area without permission.
  • Hotel room area is not part of the Infurnity event. Any situation of dispute should be measured under the hotel regulations.

About Venue

  • No smoking, consuming alcohol or littering at the event. Please pick up after yourself and keep the con space clean.
  • Do not paint or post anything on the walls that aren’t used for activities.
  • You are responsible to pay the listed price for any lost, broken props/items at the venue.
  • Please refrain from running or screaming in or outside of the building and respect the surrounding communities when you go outside. We do not want to cause any concerns and leave a bad impression.
  • Please line up when in- and outside the elevator and give priority to those guests who are not attending the convention. Do not long-time occupy the elevator.
  • Please do not use the power sockets in the venue for private use.

Props and Weapons

  • For security reasons, you may not carry any weapons anywhere on the indoor premises of the hotel at any time. In this context, any object which is, according to its nature, suitable for inflicting injuries to persons or animals or to do damage to property will be considered a weapon, such as airsoft/ imitation firearm or potentially harmful items which is sharp, metallic or over extended in length (over 1 meter long).
  • Do not point your weapon at people, or shoot, load with your props or airsoft/ imitation firearm.
  • Do not use the transportation tools such as skateboards, roller skates or segway in the indoor venue.
  • Due to the nearby fishing port and military-owned land around the venue, the local authorities have expressed that participants refrain from using aerial cameras or drones to avoid the danger of improper operation.
  • Our security staff in the venue will take judge of risk in the props and weapons to ensure the safety and comfort of our attendees. Please follow the instruction of the staff if they require you to put away or pack up your belongings. Should any severe scenario occurs, the involved parties’ participation rights might be affected or deprived based on the judgement of security staff team.

For Fursuiters

  • Please change your clothes at the hotel room you reserved or at the changing space we offer for fursuiters.
  • Do not occupy the public space, restroom or put up the changing tent to change your clothes.
  • Handler is not allowed to enter fursuit changing room and headless room.
  • Please mind your manners and privacy for others in fursuit lounge. Please yield the space for others in need.
  • Remember to keep yourself hydrated, and rest well before you suit up.
  • Please find yourself a handler if you like to visit any places nearby that are outside of the venue.
  • Seek staff for help immediately if you feel any discomfort, undress your fursuit cause it’s probably time your body needs a break!

How to Interact with Fursuiters

  • Please be gentle with fursuits! Not paticipate on the head and pull the tails.
  • Please use common sense when interacting with any fursuiters, no physical contact on private parts of anyone (i.e: chest, bottom etc)
  • Please refrain from dangerous physical movements when interacting with others, such as riding others, running, and surprise hugs from behind.
  • Please respect the suiters and the ownership of their costumes, ask before you take photos. Photography of people changing into costume is strictly prohibited.
  • Fursuiters may have very limited vision, please try catch their attention if they didn’t noticed you the first time.
  • Remember to inform the performers with a simple “Thank you” after you are done taking photos to let them know it’s okay to move again.
  • Please refrain from reveal or unzip suiters without permission, it is extremely rude.
  • Help fursuiters if they are showing signs of difficulty with moving or tripped themselves.
  • Give fursuiters a friendly reminder if you see body parts exposed outside of suit.

Fursuit Group Photo and Parade

  • Full and partial suiters are welcome to both events, but costumes must cover at least the head and hands.
  • Make sure you’re sufficiently hydrated before the event.
  • Please do not bring props or items that will interfere with other participants, such as items that are excessively long, or noisy. Be considerate of other participants!
  • During the parade, the photographic equipment that may cause safety concerns such as tripod or aerial camera drone are forbidden for the bystanders.
  • To avoid any misunderstandings, do not carry any flags or billboards during the events.
  • Additional props may be disallowed at the discretion of the staff.
  • Fursuit group photo is only for fursuiters. Handlers are not allowed.
  • Fursuit parade is only for fursuiters (and their handlers if needed).
  • During the fursuit parade, please follow the line in a steady pace, and refrain from disrupting the flow of the parade. Do not run or stop midway.
  • While the fursuit parade is underway, please do not give away items to the public.
  • If you are not feeling well, immediately inform the closest staff member for assistance.

Notice on Good-Faith Promotions

Infurnity welcomes all furry convention entities, furry events, and related sales events to promote their materials. The following are ways to promote your materials:

  • Flyers distribution: flyers can be placed at official locations on the day of the event. Prior notice is not required, but we ask that you keep the venue tidy.
  • Con book advertising: Your event can be advertised in the con book. Since there are a limited number of pages, please submit the content as soon as possible before the closing date for publication.
  • Charity raffle prize contribution: Donate items as prizes for the charity raffle.
  • All promotional content must not involve sensitive topics such as race, religion, and politics or contain bloody, violent, or pornographic content.
  • Please contact Infurnity official staff in advance for other forms of promotion. You may not conduct any promotional activities in the name of other events during Infurnity without prior authorization.
  • For media coverage, please contact us at first. We cannot accept interviews without prior authorization.

Use of digital images from the event

  • Any personal photos, videos, or media recording footage from the event is prohibited for profit making or for commercial use.
  • Please try to avoid taking pictures of attendees who have not wearing a suit. If found their faces shown in your event video or photography, please respect and protect their privacy by blurring the faces out before sharing them.
  • Please beware that IRL live streaming and audio/video recordings without the subject’s permission are not allowed in all panels and events held in the Infurnity venue. IRL live streaming could only be conducted at the lobby, aisle and outdoor areas.
  • IRL live streaming is also forbidden during the talent show and band performance. Attendees can only record the videos and upload them afterwards.
  • Tripods or any large photographic equipment which is not set up by the official staffs is not permitted in the venue due to the security measures.
  • Have permission granted by anyone in your photo/video before sharing them on social media, and don’t forget to give fursuit performers credits they deserve!
  • The Infurnity logo is copyright the original creator, usage rights have been granted to the event organizers. Other individuals or groups are not allowed to use without permission.
  • The “Infurnity” and “獸無限” name can only be used with permission from the event organizers, and is limited to promoting Infurnity, or nonprofit, noncommercial, or gifts purposes.

Last Update: 2023.09

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